We are all bound in a circle of reciprocity, in giving and receiving the unique gift we each carry into the world.
Early winter sees the nights draw in, the media circulates fears of scarcity, a scare city; Black Friday and Food Banks.
Nature tells me otherwise, my body is led to become slower, to consume less, to reflect and rest, to repair and prepare.
This work is inspired by the writing of Robin Wall Kimmerer (Braiding Sweetgrass), it explores ideas of a society and culture based on reciprocity, in contrast to the culture based on consumption and extraction that we inhabit.
in my own physical practice of yoga, movement goes through a series of folding and unfolding of the body, which align with the breath flowing in and out out the body.
i become aware of the embodied wisdom held within this human form, the wisdom to give and receive in balance with other life forms that are giving and receiving in a reciprocal cycle.
Over the span of seasons as i take my morning stroll through the garden, i notice the plants folding and unfolding, from seeds unfolding into new shoots, then spring energy folding into buds, followed by summer sun unfolding flowers from tightly curled buds, and then the long slow folding of nutrients from the soil into bursting fruits. Finally the growing reaches a stillness, and then all that is green folds inwards once more to the beginning, to become seed again.
I want to treasure these exquisite structures of fragile, delicate, and intricate seed parcels. This is natures origami.
i ended my residency at New Art Exchange with a shared cooking and meditative meal experience and i returned on a cold December evening to the place that held me during the summer to acknowledge the gifts i had received.
i invited the public to take part in a 'seed circle', bringing their seeds to share. In the seed circle we folded origami parcels, and filled them with the shared seeds.
We unfolded our knowledge of growing, of nature and the gifts we sometimes fail to recognise.
i took away new seeds, new friends and new stories to see me through the darker months until the sky unfolds to the sun once more, in springtime, when the origami parcels will be unfolded.
Once again into the soil seeds will be folded. Once again into the cycle we will unfold.
Gratitude to Asha for making the chai tea for the refreshments and Dave for the Chia seed puddings. the images below were kindly photographed by fellow artist Ismail Khokon.
Early winter sees the nights draw in, the media circulates fears of scarcity, a scare city; Black Friday and Food Banks.
Nature tells me otherwise, my body is led to become slower, to consume less, to reflect and rest, to repair and prepare.
This work is inspired by the writing of Robin Wall Kimmerer (Braiding Sweetgrass), it explores ideas of a society and culture based on reciprocity, in contrast to the culture based on consumption and extraction that we inhabit.
in my own physical practice of yoga, movement goes through a series of folding and unfolding of the body, which align with the breath flowing in and out out the body.
i become aware of the embodied wisdom held within this human form, the wisdom to give and receive in balance with other life forms that are giving and receiving in a reciprocal cycle.
Over the span of seasons as i take my morning stroll through the garden, i notice the plants folding and unfolding, from seeds unfolding into new shoots, then spring energy folding into buds, followed by summer sun unfolding flowers from tightly curled buds, and then the long slow folding of nutrients from the soil into bursting fruits. Finally the growing reaches a stillness, and then all that is green folds inwards once more to the beginning, to become seed again.
I want to treasure these exquisite structures of fragile, delicate, and intricate seed parcels. This is natures origami.
i ended my residency at New Art Exchange with a shared cooking and meditative meal experience and i returned on a cold December evening to the place that held me during the summer to acknowledge the gifts i had received.
i invited the public to take part in a 'seed circle', bringing their seeds to share. In the seed circle we folded origami parcels, and filled them with the shared seeds.
We unfolded our knowledge of growing, of nature and the gifts we sometimes fail to recognise.
i took away new seeds, new friends and new stories to see me through the darker months until the sky unfolds to the sun once more, in springtime, when the origami parcels will be unfolded.
Once again into the soil seeds will be folded. Once again into the cycle we will unfold.
Gratitude to Asha for making the chai tea for the refreshments and Dave for the Chia seed puddings. the images below were kindly photographed by fellow artist Ismail Khokon.