Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Honour the first day of spring as we share cultural celebrations that mark this special time of year by taking a gentle walk through the Fruit Routes orchards on Loughborough University campus.
Where: Loughborough University Campus When: FRIDAY 31st January 2pm -3:30pm The walk will start at the Barefoot Orchard, located next to the Paddock and (almost) opposite Pilkington library. Look for the Fruit Routes information board near the Geography Weather Station. Walking will start at 2pm and finish around 3:30pm at the LAGS garden. We will be walking along running routes and natural paths, so please wear suitable footwear and dress for the weather! FREE - ALL WELCOME - no need to book. more info at Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. I'll be leading a Garden Mudras workshop at the Windmill Community Gardens on Friday 24th January to mark the closing celebrations of the Growing Forward organisation.
A g e n t l e i n t r o d u c t i o n t o ' M u d r a ' i n s p i r e d b y p l a n t l i f e c y c l e s , u s i n g o u r h a n d s t o c o n n e c t t o e l e m e n t a l e n e r g i e s w i t h i n t h e b o d y , f o c u s i n g o n t h e s e a s o n a l e n e r g y o f r e l e a s e . W e w i l l w o r k t o g e t h e r i n a s m a l l g r o u p a l l o w i n g m e a n i n g f u l c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n o u r s e l v e s a n d m a r k t h i s c y c l i c a l e n d i n g w i t h t h e c r e a t i o n o f a c o l l e c t i v e l y m a d e a r t w o r k. The event is FREE, though donations are welcome. We suggest you wear warm and comfortable clothing, we will be based in the Shed which has some heating and there are chairs and cushions and blankets available for your comfort. There will be some light refreshments after the session and you have time to connect with others over a hot drink and some snacks. Where: Windmill Community Gardens, Nottingham, When: Friday January 24th from 2pm - 3:30pm Cost: FREE I'll be leading a walk on Friday 6th December across Loughborough University Campus exploring the Fruit Routes orchards, and aligning with the energies of the season. Meet at 2pm at the Barefoot Orchard, near the pilkington library on campus. Please dress for the weather, it's forecast to be wet! We will walk for about an hour and then head to the LAGS garden finishing around 3:30pm.
FREE - ALL WELCOME In early September I ran a Garden Mudras session at the wonderful Windmill Community Gardens, (for Growing Forward CiC). It was a stunning afternoon, filled with early autumn sunshine and blooming hollyhocks greeting us into the space. The Garden Mudras prints created by the group and myself were startling, and I have selected one of the pieces to be part of the LPW members show which opens on Friday October 25th. I hope to attend the launch evening and would be delighted to see any of you that wish to come along and see all the amazing works my fellow LPW artists. It's also the last Friday of the month so all of the cultural quarter will be hosting an evening of events to enjoy.
Last year I took part in Roo Dissou's project 'Courses for Discourses' held at Primary in Nottingham.
A night of celebration is being held to launch the Courses for Dis-Course(s) publication and podcasts. Courses for Dis-Course(s) by Roo Dhissou took the form of an exhibition and a series of events and dinners hosted by the artist with a group of British South Asian women and non-binary artists. Participating artists: Sonia Odedra, Kajal Patel, Pasha Kincaid, Mita Solanky, Yasmeen Thantrey, Usha Mahenthiralingam, A J Mills, Jagjit Kaur, Janhavi Sharma, Minder K Athwal, Xi’an and Sufea Noor. The project concludes with the launch of an 8-episode podcast and 500 page publication, It includes a catalogue of photographs taken during the project at GLOAM in Sheffield and Primary in Nottingham. The publication which is designed to be read alongside a digital soundscape in the form of a podcast also includes recipes and dining suggestions written by the artists who took part in the project. This celebration event will feature an in-conversation, open mic with participating artists, food, drinks and an exclusive line up of djs When: Saturday, September 21st, 6pm- 10pm Where: Gallery 1, Primary, 33 Seely Road,, Nottingham, NG7 1NU tel: 0115 924 4493 email:[email protected] Booking: FREE drop-in Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. I've been invited once again to run a Garden Mudras workshop session at the magical Windmill Community Gardens in Nottingham.
Organised by Carley Bull and Harry Martin (who run Growing Forward). with fellow practitioners Kate Whyatt and Jeannie Thompson offering workshops over the coming few weeks. FREE, please contact me to book your place. ALL WELCOME. Friday 6th September, 2-5pm Windmill Community Gardens, off Bobbers Mill Road. Last May (2023) I was approached by PhD student Holly Drover (who works under the Wellcome Trust Leicestershire Health Inequalities Improvement Programme) to collaborate with her to devise an arts based workshop to investigate breathlessness for groups of people who have a range of conditions which affect their breathing. I designed a workshop for the groups using watercolour techniques to express how individuals felt about their breath and exploring their felt experience through embodied practices, of meditation and walking in nature. The workshops were held at Botanic Garden Leicester University in April 2024. And the results of the workshops alongside the research Holly conducted was presented in an exhibition on 3rd September this year. An article was published about the event here.
I've been invited by Caroline Locke to be part of an exhibition at the Derby Cathedral, where i'll be exhibiting my Spine Walk piece.
The Our Stories Are Wild exhibition, by the University of Derby, brings together artists and researchers who focus on the human-nature relationship. Many of the artworks and films reveal an emotional and spiritual connection with our environment and explore themes of care, hope and responsibility. Curated by Caroline Locke, Associate Professor of Arts, the exhibition includes over 22 artists and collaborators, many from Derbyshire and the East Midlands. The opening coincides with the University of Derby’s Nature Connections Conference 2024 OUR STORIES ARE WILD Opening event : Monday 24 June, from 18:30 to 20:30 @ Derby Cathedral The exhibition is FREE to attend and can be found within the Cathedral building. Please be mindful of opening and service times, which can be found here – Visit | Derby Cathedral Kimberley Bell, has invited me to the UKGrainLab 2024 meetup hosted at Small Food Bakery at Primary in Nottingham.
"UK Grain Lab provides farmers, millers, plant breeders, bakers, cooks, scientists and academics an opportunity to bake together, eat, drink, learn from each other and talk about the future. Topics included innovation in plant breeding, soil and grain diversity, sharing and collaboration; sustainable farming practices; new food production business models and techniques, food security and sovereignty. Our vision is for shorter, healthier, and more diverse supply chains, where the identity of people and place is celebrated and valued. We share stories, skills and strategies inspired by visitors from around the world with a view to advancing a more diverse UK-based grain economy. They work to build an independent network of trade around localised grain, being a central liaison for many regional grain advocacy groups." I've collaborated to run a series of workshops with Holly Drover, who is a Doctoral researcher with The Leicestershire Health Inequality Improvement Programme which aims to work with the diverse population of Leicestershire which is ethnically and culturally diverse population to improve health outcomes. Holly's project titled “Breathlessness perceptions of under-represented groups to develop a culturally tailored symptom management intervention” will address the need for culturally appropriate respiratory rehabilitation in the UK. Breathlessness is currently treated by a one-size fits all model and this project will work with individuals impacted by breathlessness and design an intervention that meets their needs.
Holly has invited me to design and deliver a visual art workshop with two groups of participants who form part of the research study. The workshops will take place in April 2024 at the Leicester University Botanic Gardens and will involve connecting to the breath using our senses and the natural world through walking in the gardens. |
January 2025