'Sleep Walks' has been awarded 1st Prize in the visual arts category.
Exhibition open Sat 19th 7pm-10pm and Sun 20th 10am-3pm @ Roz Barr Architects Gallery. More info is available at http://www.elbow-room.org/the-elbow-room-prize-2016/ connect on twitter and facebook or book tickets. The 'Elbow Room Prize Anthology 2016' is available here. 3-27 November 2016
Charlie Warde | Mita Solanky | Olivia Crane | Robin Tarbet | Simon Leahy-Clark Curated by Fausto Sanmartino and Claire Damary LUBOMIROV / ANGUS-HUGHES is a charitable organisation dedicated to contemporary curation. We see curators as localised experts in a global and increasingly complex contemporary art world. By engaging with all forms and levels of curation, we aim to present to the public a wider picture of art today. We also invite curatorial projects by artists, art critics, collectors, gallerists and other members of the art world, who both wield influence in the shaping of new art and have a uniquely valuable perspective on current and future state. OFFICE SPACE Every month the Lubomirov Angus-Hughes gallery office is curated by the team, drawing from their collection of editions and small works by artists who have previously exhibited in the gallery, or will be in our current or future programme. This evolving space engages with the history of the gallery through curation in a more traditional sense, showcasing our growing community of artists. |
January 2025